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frequently asked questions

What does "cold pressed" mean in oils?

Cold pressed refers to a method of extracting oil from nuts, seeds, or fruits that involves pressing them with a modern steel press. This technique avoids excessive heat and chemical solvents, preserving the natural properties and benefits of the oil.

How are cold pressed oils different from other oils?

Cold pressed oils retain more nutrients, antioxidants, and flavour compared to oils extracted using high heat or chemical methods. The lower temperatures used in the cold pressing process ensure that the oil's delicate compounds are not destroyed.

What are the benefits of using cold pressed oils?

Cold pressed oils are often richer in vitamin E, omega fatty acids, and antioxidants, which can promote skin health, reduce inflammation, and improve heart health. Their extraction process ensures a higher quality and purity, making them a healthier choice for cooking and skincare.

Can cold pressed oils be used for cooking?

Yes, cold pressed oils can be used for cooking, especially oils like olive, coconut, and avocado oil. However, it's important to consider their smoke points; some cold pressed oils may have lower smoke points, making them less suitable for high-heat cooking.

Are cold pressed oils better for skin care?

Yes, due to their high nutrient content and purity, cold pressed oils are excellent for skin care. They provide deep moisturization and have natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help improve skin health and appearance.

What are some popular types of cold pressed oils?

Some popular cold pressed oils include olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, and almond oil. Each offers distinct health benefits and flavours suitable for different dietary and cosmetic uses.

How should cold pressed oils be stored?

To maintain their quality and extend their shelf life, cold pressed oils should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Refrigeration is recommended for oils that can become rancid quickly, such as flaxseed oil.

What is the shelf life of cold pressed oils?

The shelf life of cold pressed oils varies depending on the type of oil and storage conditions. Generally, these oils can last from 6 months to a year if stored properly. Always check the oil’s aroma and appearance for signs of spoilage before use.

Why are cold pressed oils more expensive?

Cold pressed oils are typically more expensive due to the labor-intensive methods required to produce them and lower yields compared to other extraction methods. The quality and benefits they offer often justify the higher price.

Can I use cold pressed oils in salad dressings?

Absolutely! Cold pressed oils are excellent for salad dressings due to their robust flavours and nutritional benefits. Olive oil and avocado oil are particularly popular choices for creating delicious and healthy dressings.

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